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Pasha Young Arbor - 2014

Pasha Young Arbor - 2014

Regular price $11.00 CAD
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A qiao mu (Tall young Arbor Tree) tea from Pasha, a region well known for producing  sleeping giant type of puerh.

Unsure of the tree age, estimated to be from 40 to 90 years.

The 9 years of aging has mellowed this expression a bit but the "Ku Se", meaning pleasant bitterness (think blackberry aftertaste) is high and so is the huigan (returning sweetness).

The aroma is of honeydew melon rind, fermented honey and ripened cantaloupe.

The flavour profile is potent and has a resinous texture, this comes from the aged quality of the tea as the maturity has given the tea a silent sort of intensity in the brew.

Very rich and full bodied but not sharply bitter and astringent, this tea is a complete package. Complex and layered in what it delivers.

Gongfu Cha / Gaiwan Method

4-8 Grams at 100-150ml


Steep times:
1- 4 infusions: 5 ~ 10 seconds

5+ infusions: Start adding 15 seconds to every new infusions.

Teapot Brewing / Grandpa Style

Grandpa style: Take a quarter size chunk, toss into 8oz or larger mug and fill it with boiling water, let it cool and wait for the leaves to settle to the bottom and enjoy.

Refill as needed or when the water is close to the bottom.

Teapot Style: 8oz ~ 24oz (250ml ~ 850ml)
1 ~ 2 teaspoons (2.5 ~ 7.5 grams)
85 ~ 95°Celsius
Steep: 3~5 minutes

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